
1.德国人多属日尔曼族。The germans are the Germanic family.
2.爱好“大块吃肉,大口喝酒”。“ Big eat meat, big drink”.
3.每人每年的猪肉消费量达66千克。Each year 66 kg of pork consumption.
4.居世界首位。Occupies the world first place.
5.德国的早餐比起午餐和晚餐是最丰盛的。Germany than breakfast lunch and dinneris the most abundant.
6.酒宴上,德国人互不劝酒也不逼酒,喝者各自量力而为。The germans are not forced QuanJiuwine, drink each person over your head.
7.德国的饮食特点是营养丰富,方便省时,文明科学,吃饱吃好。Germany’s food characteristic are rich innutrients, convenient province, civilization science, eat satisfied eat well.
8.德国人主食为黑麦、小麦和土豆,面包是德国人最喜爱的食品;还喜欢吃奶酪、香肠配以生菜色拉和水果。German staple food for wheat and ryebread, potatoes are German favorite food; Also like to eat cheese sausage matchwith lettuce salad and fruit.
9.德国人吃饭讲究实惠,不图浮华。TheGerman people eat cultured for affordable, glitz.
10.德国人口味喜清淡、甜酸,不爱吃油腻食品,不爱吃辣。German taste like light sweet and sour,
not the love eat greasy food, not the love eat spicy.
11.在饮料方面,德国人最爱喝啤酒,也爱喝葡萄酒。 In the drink, the germans love to drink beer, also love to drink wine.


When the germans in the party or have dinner, they paying
attention to the principle of lady first .
2.他们有个习俗,那就是吃鱼的刀叉不能用来吃别的。They have a custom, that is knives and forks to eat fishcannot be used to eat the others.











