
  佛罗里达石蟹Stone Carb

  石蟹(Stone Carb) 是迈阿密的特产之一,每年10 月到次年5 月间是佛罗里达海湾的收获季节,人们争相捕捉石蟹。鲜美多汁的石蟹爪肉,可与龙虾相媲美。

  牙买加挺举鸡 Jerk Chicken

  挺举鸡(Jerk Chicken) 是用一种叫做Jear Sauce 的辣味调料腌制鸡肉,然后在用填满红灯笼椒的木材的炭火上烤出来,味道鲜美,是牙买加的特色菜品。

  黑豆米饭 Gallo Pinto

  米饭和黑豆是大多数哥斯达黎加菜的传统主食,黑豆米饭(Gallo Pinto)是他们的国菜,大厨们像魔术师一样,写意地在米与豆的混合世界中撒入诸如洋葱末、番茄丁之类的催化剂,让各种食材的精华在锅中碰撞,进而赋予佳肴独一无二的口感。


I live in Nanjing. My favouriate thing is to taste all kinds of delicious food every day. One of them is called Ya Xue Feng Si. The food is good not only in smell but also in colour, but the method of cooking it is very simple. Before starting the fire, you should make preparations for it.First, you clean some vegetables and the blood of duck and put them in bowls for use. Second, put some proper water in the pot. When the water is hot, put the blood in the hot water. after five minutes, put the vegetables into the water. Finally, put the food into the bowl,and put some special star anise. You will enjoy it with the whole soul and heart.
