
1. 小吃是一类在口味上具有特定风格特色的食品的总称。可以作为宴席间的点缀或者早点、夜宵的主要食品。世界各地都有各种各样的风味小吃,因当地风俗而异,特色鲜明,风味独特。小吃就地取材,能够突出反映当地的物质文化及社会生活风貌,是一个地区不可或缺的重要特色,更是离乡游子们对家乡思念的主要对象。现代人吃小吃通常不是为了吃饱,除了可以解馋以外,品尝异地风味小吃还可以藉此了解当地风情。也有些人因胃口小或由于疾病不能吃得太多,三餐不足以供应必要的营养,需要在正餐后额外吃一些小吃补充。小吃一般售卖起点低,价格不高,普通人都可以买得起。
2. 美食,顾名思义就是美味的食物,贵的有山珍海味,便宜的有街边小吃。其实美食是不分贵贱的,只要是自己喜欢的,都可以称之为美食。中国素有”烹饪王国“这个美誉。在中国这个大家庭里,我们有五十六个小家庭,每个家庭都有自己的特色美食。美食吃前有期待、吃后有回味,已不仅仅是简单的味觉感受,更是一种精神享受。享受美食也要看场合,场合好美食起来也有味道。世界各地美食文化博大精深,营养物质各不相同,品味更多美食,享受更多健康。美食不仅仅是餐桌上的食物。休闲零食、各种饼干、糕点、糖类等制品,各有各的风味,都可称之为美食!




hey bro, i think u’ve posted in the wrong place. but never mind, i’ll give u a proper response, haha

the differences in food and dining culture between china and the western world

chinese dining culture:
1. people prefer to share the food together.
2. people like to order many dishes and having all of them on the table at once.
3. bills are generally paid by one gentleman, haha

western dining culture:
1. people prefer to eat their own food.
2. there is a sequence of ordering. first, appetizer, then comes the main course finally the desert.one plate at a time.
3. bills are generally shared among every one.

r u actually asking someone to write an essay on this topic for u? well, u know, post it to the english section nxt tym, cheers!
